Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fabulously Great Recycling Use for Cardbaord Food Containers

This is probably the best and most useful idea that I have had. I cut up cardboard boxes from all my food and drink items. Think of all the clean cardboard  containers most of us use. Cracker boxes, soda 12 pack containers, popsicle boxes, macaroni ones, even cut some nice ones from around my yogurt and pudding 4 packs. There is an endless supply!!!     The very best ones are cereal box backs and fronts. Cut them nicely and evenly with regular scissors. They are so wonderful for children to draw or paint on, or even for grownup art projects or use to write on. Children can go through a lot of art paper or poster board really fast.     It's neater than paper. I love all the odd  size ones for my grocery  or "to do" list, jotting down phone numbers,etc.  I like that my grocery list doesn't bend or crumple.      One of  favorites are the white ones from multiple bar candy packs. I cut them small. I I write lists of phone numbers  of family members and close friends. I keep one on my desk and one in my purse. The white background  makes them easy to see and to read.    It saves a lot of money, but sometimes it's about convenience, not just about money. Sometimes you just can't run out to the store when you need something.    Recently my son-in-law needed note cards for his college class and couldn't go to the store shopping right then. My daughter said "Why don't you use mom's idea and make your own." So he was very happy to have note cards in just a few seconds, on hand . ( Because who doesn't have some of these containers right in our kitchens, all of the time.)  Sooo.... Saving money and/or time and best of all recycling!!!! I love it!!!

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